Silver Award in the Category of Brand Communication at EVCOM London Film Awards 2023
Finalist in the Best VFX Commercials at Animation Effects Awards Festival 2023
Crystal in Art Direction/Production Design of Film Craft at MAD Stars 2023
Crystal in Corporation/Situation of Information Video at MAD Stars 2023
Shortlist in the Visual Effects of Film Craft at New York Festivals 2023
Shortlist in the Art Direction/Production Design of Film Craft at New York Festivals 2023
Shortlist in the Visual Effects of Brand Content/Entertainment at New York Festivals 2023
Shortlist in the Best Use of Film Craft of Small Agency at New York Festivals 2023
Shortlist in the Best Use of Social/Environmental goods of Social Media & Influencers at New York Festivals 2023
Shortlist in the Best Use of Pushing Culture of Small Agency at New York Festivals 2023
Silver Award in the Digital New Media at Shenzhen Global Design Award 2023
Gold Award in the Category of Visual Effects at LIA Chinese Creativity 2023